This week at World Bank EduTech
week of December 13, 2021
The year is coming to an end very soon. Although this has been a difficult year for many of us, it has also been a time for deep learning. The EdTech community has produced mounting evidence of what we can (and what we cannot) do with technology to support education.
This week, we review our podcast journey in 2021 and highlight a selection of popular podcasts that offer not only great sound but also new and innovative ideas. You can be working, walking your dog, or jogging, there is always time to listen to the World Bank EduTech Podcast!
Thanks to our listeners across 147 countries for tuning in 10K times!
We launched our EduTech podcast in late 2020 and we’re really enjoyed connecting with educators and listeners around the world across a range of education-related topics.
Our podcast is listened to in 147 countries, with the US, the UK, India, Japan, France, Mexico, Spain, Germany, Colombia, and Peru being our top 10 listening nations. Listeners have played episodes nearly 10K times.
We’ve released 40+ episodes on all sorts of topics:
Future of Education
Adaptive Learning
This is our most popular episode to date! This podcast explores Adaptive Learning, also called Personalized Adaptive Learning. During the conversation the EdTech members Maria Barron and Cristobal Cobo analyze and discuss with the senior economists Diego Angel-Urdinola and Juan Baron the lessons from adaptive learning projects and its application in countries such as Dominican Republic and Ecuador.
Edtech Investment Environment Globally
Institutional Capacities
Digital Skills
Remote Learning
Educational TV and Radio
Blockchain in Education
This is our second most popular episode to date! In this podcast, World Bank Education Specialist Ekua Bentil speaks about leveraging blockchain in education, specifically within the Africa Centers of Excellence Project, with project partners Yaz El Hakim (VerifyEd), Saleh Iliyasu Maitala (IBM), and Jerry Kponyo (KNUST).
Teacher Professional Development
Impact Evaluation
Digital Infrastructure
Learning Loss Mitigation
Stay tuned for more episodes coming soon!
Recommended Reading
The IADB released a 3-year study: Education Management and Information Systems (EMIS) in LAC: the road to the digital transformation of education management.